Putine momente in viata iti aduc asa o liniste sufleteasca si azi, cand mi-am terminat ultimul strop dintr-un ceai pe care nu cred ca-l voi mai gasi, mi-am readus aminte un citat din Memoriile unei geishe, poate citatul meu preferat din acel film.
Chairman: We must not expect happiness, Sayuri. It is not something we deserve. When life goes well, it is a sudden gift; it cannot last forever...
Tanjesc sa merg in Japonia, dar momentele de fericire ale acestui gaijin pot fi regasite si in tara sa natala :)
2 comentarii:
It's a pity ca your blog doesn't have a "like" button. This post deserves a huge "like". Words are otherwise needless.
And one more thing: I like the quote a lot. It had completely slipped my mind until I saw it just now.
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